法務領域 特許&実用新案 補充的保護証明書 商標&意匠 著作権 競争法&独占禁止法 コンプライアンス 契約書 職務発明法 薬事法 UPC データ保護 植物品種保護 専門領域 人工知能とデジタル化 製薬&バイオテクノロジー 有機化学&ポリマー 無機材料&建築材料 食品&農業 電気工学&機械工学 コミュニケーション&情報技術 モビリティ&エネルギー ディスプレー&照明 計測技術&プロセスエンジニアリング 医療技術&とイメージング 戦略 IP戦略コンサルティング IPリサーチ



For some time now, patent applications received by the European Patent Office concerning digital technologies have greatly outnumbered applications from other fields. Also on the rise worldwide is the number of patent applications related to the revolutionary Industry 4.0 technologies. Digitisation generally has for a long time assumed an important role in our everyday lives and is helping to usher in a new age of productivity. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is a key part of this digital transformation. The ongoing development of artificial intelligence is creating a fundamental change in the relationship between human beings and technology. However, the increasing sophistication of AI systems and the continuing autonomous development of artificial intelligence, which is already capable of making its “own” inventions, raises fundamental legal and ethical questions regarding the legal standing of AI. Protection of AI is currently a highly contested area of law, as the global distribution of hard- and software makes the copying and continuing development of AI innovations difficult to control. Maiwald’s cross-functional team of patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law which includes specialists in digital technologies and artificial intelligence offers comprehensive support in protecting your innovations.


