Maiwald Blog

Maiwald blog articles

Possible Referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal on the Applicability of the “Joint Applicants Approach” (T 1513/17)

Whether a Euro-PCT application validly claims the priority of an ea...

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Interest in Legal Protection for a Nullity Action – Part 4

Federal Court of Justice, judgment of 11 August 2021, ref. no. X ZR 96/18 This series of articles deals with the most rece...

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German Act against Unfair Competition (Amended Version): Dispute about the Free Choice of Legal Venue (fliegender Gerichtsstand) – Continued

The Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt a.M. takes side with the Regional Courts of Frankfurt and Düsseldorf in the controversy about the abolition

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Partially Good – Unregistered Design for Partial Area of a Vehicle Bodywork

The ECJ has now ruled on the conditions under which a company can rely on the protection of a non-registered design only on a partial area of a product, if the product as a wh...

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European Parliament: Resolution on the Action Plan for Intellectual Property Adopted

On 11 November 2021, the EU Parliament adopted a resolution on the EU Commission's "Intellectual Property Action Plan for Recovery and Resilience", with a majority, an...

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Patent: Nullity Action – Judgment in Interrupted Proceedings Due to Insolvency of a Plaintiff

Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of 24 August 2021, Case No. X ZR 59/19 (BPatG) - Oscillating Drive

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