Maiwald Blog

Maiwald blog articles

News on EU Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Laws

1. New pharmaceutical legislation With the so-called

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FCJ (Federal Court of Justice): Current decisions on cease-and-desist declarations according to “Hamburger Brauch” – Part 2

In its judgment of 1 December 2022 (Case No. I ZR 144/21), the FCJ clarified firstly that the delivery of a cease-and-desist declaration with penalty clause c...

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FCJ: Current decisions on the cease-and-desist declaration according to “Hamburger Brauch” (“Hamburg custom”) – Part 1

In its ruling of October 27, 2022 (Case No. I ZR 141/21), the German Federal Court of Justice (FCJ) made it clear that the regular limitation period in a clai...

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New unitary patent or classical bundle patent? Use the cost simulator on our website!

In all probability, the Unitary Patent System will kick off on 1 June 2023. Applicants of European patents which will be granted on or after that date, thus, have two options....

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No use as trademark in a company’s own customer loyalty system

According to a decision of the OLG Nuremberg, the use of a sign for a company’s own customer loyalty system does not constitute use as a trademark, unlike in the cas...

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