Maiwald Blog

Maiwald blog articles

EPO: Updating of the Examination Guidelines

Amended Guidelines for Examination at the European Patent Office came into force on March 1, 2021. The - from our poi...

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(Illegal) Blocking of a Seller Account by Amazon

In a decision dated 14 January 2021 in preliminary injunction proceedings (Case No. 37 O 32/21), the Munich I Regional Court, under threat of an administrative fine of up to E...

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Admissibility of Second Infringement Action Based on the Same Patent, but Different Infringing Act

The German Federal Court of Justice (BGH), on 3 November 2020, handed down its decision X ZR 85/19. Therein, it ruled that the admissibility of a second patent infring...

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EPO: Patent Applications for Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality – the Requirement of Sufficiency of Disclosure

The interaction of data and instructions is of fundamental importance in computer science. Not without reason, therefore, two decisions of the Boards of Appeal of the European...

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Incompliant Conference Venue in the Pharmaceutical Industry

As of January 1, 2021, the Association for Voluntary Self-Monitoring of the Pharmaceutical Industry e. V. (FSA) has amended its Code of Conduct on the Interaction with Healthc...

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