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In cooperation with PATEV Associates GmbH, Maiwald presented another onlineseminar on 23 July 2020. The event, entitled “What you always wanted to know about brands and designs and never dared to ask”, was aimed particularly at entrepreneurs, as well as executives from the finance and marketing sectors and CEOs.
Companies are part of a competitive market with their products, both nationally and internationally. This means that manufacturers or suppliers of innovative goods and services are confronted with a correspondingly large number of comparable competitive products, depending on the sector. A little bit comparable to a wonderful weekly market in the centre of a southern old town, where the traders sell their products to the customers with their inimitable “calls” as well as the design of their stands, brands and designs also serve as the core communication medium of the companies for their sales.
Thus, the onlineseminar has provided companies with answers to their frequently asked questions about what trademark or design protection is best suited for, and can it also make sense to have both protection rights for a product. What types of trademarks and designs are actually available? And last but not least, do both types of protective rights also play a significant role at the interfaces with technical protective rights, especially if technical protective rights are not (no longer) applicable due to lack of novelty or inventive step?
We are very pleased about the numerous participation and the skilled presentation of our experienced partner and speaker, Stephan Schneller, who was able to present in a practical and entertaining way by means of examples, which possibilities there are to use one’s own property rights in the best possible way. Although our usual Maiwald get-together in the virtual environment was unfortunately absent, there was still an opportunity to ask the speakers questions after the presentations. We are particularly pleased about the constructive cooperation that has already developed following the course.
We thank all participants for their interest in our offer. For further questions and information about the onlineseminar as well as interest in a consultation in individual cases, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
If you have not already done so, please download the presentation documents here (only available in German).
We hope to welcome you to onlineseminares and other Maiwald events in the future!