LEGAL AREAS Patents & Utility Models Supplementary Protection Certificates Trademarks & Designs Copyright Competition & Antitrust Law Compliance Agreements Employee Invention Law Pharmaceutical Law UPC Data Protection Plant Variety Protection SECTORS Artificial Intelligence & Digitalization Organic Chemistry & Polymers Pharma & Biotech Inorganic & Construction Materials Food & Agriculture Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Communication & Information Technology Mobility & Energy Displays & Light Measuring & Process Technology Medical Technology & Imaging STRATEGY IP Consulting IP Search

Legal Areas


We provide clients with a full advice package along the entire lifecycle of their products – whether the issue is product protection or working out patent strategies, market access in the context of the regulatory environment, client’s own marketing, or licensing and partnering. A well-drafted contract is of crucial importance here, not only for effective enforcement and safeguarding of clients’ interests, but also for collaborations with industry or public sector partners, for instance university research institutes. We advise on all contract-related issues, from the original idea to the innovative finished product. Our clients come in all shapes and sizes, from startups to university institutions to international corporations.

Having extensive business knowledge and litigation experience, our lawyers are best placed to provide comprehensive advice on all aspects of contract law and can guide and help you with contract negotiations. We identify – often in mixed teams of lawyers and patent attorneys – opportunities and potential hazards posed by particular contractual clauses or terms and in this way ensure a sound basis for your commercial success. Besides partnership agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and material transfer agreements (MTAs), our experts also regularly draw up service, manufacturing, contract manufacturing, marketing, licensing and R&D agreements.

Moreover, our strong trademark team can help with drafting marketing and sales-related contracts regarding the intellectual property rights aspects of designs, trademarks or copyright, and can also support you in setting up sales and distribution structures in light of antitrust law provisions and other compliance-relevant aspects of the law.

