Part 1- Compulsory Licensing Intellectual Property rights continue to have priority for the EU Commission...
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In the case at issue, the plaintiff, based on Sections 8, 3, 3a of the German Law Against Unfair Competition (UWG) in conjunction with Section 7(1) Nr. 1 of the German...
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In another decision, the German Federal Patent Court has sharpened the requirements for the assumption of similarity of signs if the signs only match in descriptive elements (...
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The German Federal Patent Court (BPatG) denies the need for legal protection for a (retroactive) partial declaration of invalidity after expiry of the patent protection (BPatG...
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The Russian government allows domestic companies and individuals to infringe the intellectual property of companies from "unfriendly countries" - whether protected by a patent...
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The Federal Patent Court has confirmed that there can be a likelihood of confusion even if the signs are obviously different, but the consumer nevertheless assigns bot...
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