Maiwald Blog

Maiwald blog articles

European Patent Office: So You Missed a Deadline – What’s Your Excuse?

In decision J 0010/20, a Board of Appeal ...

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IP Marking in Germany: Rules of Thumb

In Germany IP marking is not mandatory. However, IP marking may have the advantage, besides marketing aspects, that competitors are warned of the IP protection and that a mali...

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Next Step in Horizon Europe – Publication of the Model Grant Agreement and Other Documents

The world's largest individual funding programme for research and innovation was launched on 01.01.2021. Earlier this year we had already reported on Horizon Europe in an ...

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New Referral to the Epo Enlarged Board of Appeal: Legality of Oral Proceedings in the Form of a Videoconference Without the Consent of the Parties

The Technical Board of Appeal 3.5.02 has in its decision of 12 March 2021 in the case T 1807/15 referred the following question to the Enlarged Board of Appeal:

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EPO: The Patentability of Computer-Implemented Simulations

The Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office recently published and issued the eagerly awaited decision G 1/19 (Simulations). Therein, the Enlarged Board of Appe...

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No-Challenge Clause Invalid?

In a reference for a preliminary ruling, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has asked the ECJ whether no-challenge clauses are valid (BGH, November 19, 2020 - I ZR 27/...

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