As previously reported, the following question was referred to the EBA on 12 March: Does the EPC, specifically Art...
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On the night of 26 May 2021, the Swiss Federal Council announced that it had terminated negotiations with the EU on the Institutional Framework Agreement. For the medical devi...
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This year, the US publication Best Lawyers recommended 15 Maiwald attorneys as the best in their field. The Best Lawyers Ranking was published in the Handelsblatt Spezial - "T...
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On 22 June 2021, the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office issued decision G 4/19 (Double patenting), in which it held that a European patent application can ...
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The controversy surrounding the abolition of the free choice of legal venue by the Law to Strenthen Fair Competition of 2 December 2020 (see article...
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With a judgment of April 21, 2021 (case number T-663/19), the ECJ has made a decisive contribution against the bad habit of the filing of repetition trademarks, with w...
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