Maiwald Blog

Maiwald blog articles

G1/21: Videoconferencing at the EPO – Short Observations on Today’s Second and Final Oral Proceedings Before the Enlarged Board of Appeal

As previously reported, the following question was referred to the EBA on 12 March: Does the EPC, specifically Art...

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Following the Termination of Negotiations Between the EU and Switzerland on the Institutional Framework Agreement, the Swiss Medical Technology Industry Has Lost Its Barrier-Free Access to the EU Internal Market

On the night of 26 May 2021, the Swiss Federal Council announced that it had terminated negotiations with the EU on the Institutional Framework Agreement. For the medical devi...

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Handelsblatt: Best Lawyers 2021

This year, the US publication Best Lawyers recommended 15 Maiwald attorneys as the best in their field. The Best Lawyers Ranking was published in the Handelsblatt Spezial - "T...

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EPO: Double Patenting; G 4/19

On 22 June 2021, the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office issued decision G 4/19 (Double patenting), in which it held that a European patent application can ...

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German Act Against Unfair Competition (Amended Version): Continuing Dispute About the Free Choice of Legal Venue (Fliegender Gerichtsstand)

The controversy surrounding the abolition of the free choice of legal venue by the Law to Strenthen Fair Competition of 2 December 2020 (see article...

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Ecj Takes Action Against the Bad Habit of the Repetition Trademark

With a judgment of April 21, 2021 (case number T-663/19), the ECJ has made a decisive contribution against the bad habit of the filing of repetition trademarks, with w...

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