On 11 November 2021, the EU Parliament adopted a resolution on the EU Commission's "Intellectual Property Action Plan for Recovery and Resilience", with a majority, an...
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Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of 24 August 2021, Case No. X ZR 59/19 (BPatG) - Oscillating Drive
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The German Federal Patent Court decided that the fact that a car wash is depicted in color does not, as a rule, confer the necessary distinctive character on a corresponding f...
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Higher Regional Court of Munich, final judgment of 30 September 2021 - Ref. 6 U 6754/20 Section 253 (2) o...
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At last: the long-awaited referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal with respect to one of the most controversially discussed issues in EP patent matters in recent times, i.e. ...
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