IAM empfiehlt auch dieses Jahr acht unserer Partner:innen, Dr. Eva Dörner, Dr. Eva Ehlich, Dr.-Ing. Sophie Ertl, Dr. Naho Fujimoto, Dr. Martin Huenges, Dr. Andreas Ledl, Dr. Marco Stief und Dr. Christian Meyer als weltweit führende Strateg:innen für geistiges Eigentum.
Der IAM Strategy Guide ist ein jährliches Forschungsprojekt, das die besten Praktiker identifiziert, die das IP-Portfolio-Management auf die nächste Stufe heben. Diese Personen sind führend in der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Strategien, die den Wert von IP-Portfolios maximieren. Es werden dabei nur jene aufgeführt, die mehrfach von verschiedenen Parteien als hervorragende IP-Strateg:innen genannt wurden.
IAM sagt:
- „Andreas Ledl is an exceptional biotechnology patent lawyer. He is an expert at practising before the European Patent Office and his guidance in moving cases through the EPO rapidly is unparalleled.“
- „With a strong focus on biotechnology and pharmaceutical patents, Eva Dörner is trusted by industry leaders to strategically maximise and staunchly protect their intellectual property assets in contentious matters.“
- „Eva Ehlich is a magnet for new clients looking for a turnkey solution to deliver solid, litigation-ready patent assets accounting for the variations across multiple jurisdictions. This type of skill set is very rare, making her in high demand.“
- „Vastly experienced across a range of industries, Sophie Therese Ertl enjoys a well-earned reputation for her patent strategy expertise, for which she is looked to by big-name clients in the automotive, medical device and mechanical fields.“
- „Naho Fujimoto is an extremely thoughtful patent lawyer and exceptional prosecutor. She drafts complex applications and providesguidance to her clients on how to obtain the strongest protection possible in crowded spaces.“
- „A trusted partner to clients through the entire patent process, Martin Huenges deftly handles major contentious and non-contentious patent matters, with a particular aptitude in life sciences.“
- „Marco Stief is very experienced litigator and negotiator. He always sees the big picture and keeps the client’s prerogatives in mind.“
„Very well versed in the crossroads of legal and regulatory issues in the life sciences arena.“ - „An educator and authority in the world of international intellectual property matters, Christian Meyer is a very experienced and reliable litigator with a strong focus on patent validity and infringement proceedings.“