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IAM Patent 1000 2019

IAM Patent 1000 empfiehlt Maiwald erneut in der Kategorie „Patenterteilungs- und Nichtigkeitsverfahren“. Besonders hervorgehoben werden das Handling internationaler Verfahren sowie Maiwalds Ruf, sich Herausforderungen zu stellen und dabei ausgezeichnete Ergebnisse zu erzielen. IAM betont den exzellenten Mandantenstamm Maiwalds im Ausland sowie insbesondere die Vertretung japanischer Mandantschaft in EP-Verfahren.

Namentlich empfohlen sind:
Dr. Dirk Bühler
Dr. Norbert Hansen
Dr. Christian Schäflein
Marco Stief

„Leading litigator Marco Stief is proficient in life sciences cases. ‘Very experienced’ with ‘a profound understanding of his clients’ needs’, Stief is described as ‘an excellent patent litigator: prudent, but aggressive if he needs to be’. His licensing and technology-related contract work is also highly prized, with his ‘cooperative nature and lack of ego’ enabling him to stay cool in the most heated negotiations.”

“Dirk Bühler is cut from the same cloth – a patent attorney with an eye for strategic portfolio management, he is known as ‘a very good strategic thinker’ with a ‘calm demeanour’ who always seems to be one step ahead of the other side.”

„Christian Schäflein’s prosecution practice spans fields as diverse as process automation, transport and data security; he is a true fount of knowledge on future-facing areas such as AI, the IoT and autonomous driving.”

Lesen Sie den vollständigen IAM Patent 1000 Eintrag hier.