通过单一专利成本模拟器,您可以根据是否纳入单一专利的验证策略,并考虑到当前的年费,比较已授权欧洲专利的维护成本发展情况。专利特征、计划期限和地域范围都会被考虑在内,并可进行个别调整。 请注意,统一专利的地域范围和官方费用(税费)可能会随着时间的推移而改变,因此可能与单一专利模拟器中的信息有所不同。 因此,模拟器提供的信息只是一个粗略的概述,建议您寻求专业意见。 如您有任何问题,请致信到下述邮箱来咨询我们的专家 upc@maiwald.eu 或您的 Maiwald 律师。 Maiwald 将为您提供独立、专业的建议,以找到满足您个性化需求的最佳解决方案。
UPCLA 网络创建于 2014 年,是一个由欧洲律师和专利律师事务所组成的非排他性网络,所有这些事务所都因其在知识产权领域的杰出实践而在国际排名中获得认可。UPCLA 网络的目的是在统一专利管辖权到来之前,规划和协调泛欧专利诉讼(以及整个知识产权领域的诉讼)。
选择 UPCLA 网络的理由是什么?
UPCLA 是一个欧洲网络:
Maiwald 的统一专利法院视频是关于单一专利和统一专利法院的系列视频,通俗易懂。这些视频简要介绍了新制度,并解释了如何为单一专利和统一专利法院做好最佳准备。我们为您提供在单一专利和传统欧洲专利之间做出决定、以及在统一专利法院和选择退出到国家法院之间做出决定的策略和路线图。视频语言为英语
In this video Dr-Ing. Sophie Ertl (Partner at Maiwald) gives you an overview on the new system and some guidelines on how to decide between the different options.
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In this video Dr Tobias Philipp (Patent Attorney at Maiwald) discusses translation requirements, the early request for unitary effect and the request for delay in issuing the decision to grant a European patent.
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In this video Heike Röder-Hitschke (Counsel at Maiwald) will make you more familiar with the unitary patent court, its organizational structure, jurisdiction and procedures, summarizing the basic information in order to prepare you for the next step – the decision to opt out or to stay in and make use of the new court system.
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Dr Ulrike Herr (Partner at Maiwald) explains the meaning of opting-out. Specifically, the focus is on effects and limitations of opting-out, as well as on opting-out strategies. The video will also provide a to-do-list to start with preparations for opting out.
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We are already one year into the new European patent and court system – a year of eagerly watching and waiting to see how the Unitary Patent (UP) and the Unified Pa...
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It was not all that long ago that a new, unique, unified patent and court system came into force in large parts of Europe: After more than 50 years of controversial discussion...
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It has been agreed upon for several weeks and was already confirmed at the meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Unified Patent Court (UPC)
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What is the UPCLA network? The UPCLA network, created in 2014, is a non-exclusive network of European law...
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In all probability, the Unitary Patent System will kick off on 1 June 2023. Applicants of European patents which will be granted on or after that date, thus, have two options....
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Last week it was announced that the planned start of the Unitary Patent System will be postponed to June 1, 2023. Accordingly, the start of the Sunrise Period is scheduled for...
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Recently, fundamental doubts have increased considerably as to whether the timetable for the entry into force of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPCA) presented on 6 ...
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On 6 October 2022, the Preparatory team for the Unified Patent Court...
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The Protocol on the Provisional Application of the UPCA entered into force on 19 January 2022 and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) was born as an international organisation. At ...
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In 2022, a new court system and a new patent will begin The new Unified Patent Court wil...
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In view of the forthcoming introduction of the Unitary Patent, the European Patent Office (EPO) has now declared that it will allow requesting a delayed grant and early reques...
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On January 18th, Austria has deposited its instrument of ratification on the Protocol to the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court on provisional application as the thirteenth m...
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As announced by a court spokesperson of the Federal Constitutional Court on 13 January 2021, the Federal Constitutional Court has asked the Federal President of Germany to pos...
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Yesterday, Thursday 26 November 2020, the German Parliament (Bundestag) adopted the draft ratification bill on the consent to the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court at its 19...
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Today, the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) published its decision regarding a constitutional complaint regarding the Unified Patent Court (UPC). The Court ruled that...
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目前已有24个欧盟成员国签署了《统一专利法院协议》。登记统一效力的同时,所在欧盟成员国还须签署《统一专利法院协议》和批准, 如此才能为单一专利所覆盖。目前已有17个欧盟成员国签署和批准《统一专利法院协议》。
单一专利的优点 | 单一专利的缺点 |
只需向欧洲专利局(EPA)提交一次登记统一效力的申请,无需缴纳官方费用 | 只能对加入的所有欧盟成员国同时维持或撤销。 |
无需国家认证,即不必在不同国家进行多次翻译和支付年费 | |
过渡期结束后,翻译费用可能减少 | 由于欧洲专利通常只在伦敦协议缔约国认证,过渡期内的翻译费用可能更高。 |
如果欧洲专利在4个或更多欧盟成员国认证,则年费相对较低 | 如果欧洲专利在3个或更少欧盟成员国认证,则年费相对较高 |
至少覆盖17个加入的欧盟成员国。 | 不覆盖所有《欧洲专利公约》成员国
– 欧洲专利须和此前一样在不采用单一专利体系的国家进行认证。 |
单一专利属于统一专利法院的管辖范围,允许在目前加入的所有17个欧盟成员国以单次诉讼的形式得到执行。 | 单一专利不能通过选择退出而脱离统一专利法院的管辖。在目前所有17个欧盟成员国,单次诉讼即可宣告无效。 |
单一专利体系启用后,单一专利将自动归属统一专利法院管辖。此外,传统欧洲专利和SPC(Supplementary Protection Certificates,补充保护证书)也将进入统一专利法院的管辖范围,专利权所有人“选择退出”传统欧洲专利和/或SPC的情况除外。选择退出意味着传统欧洲专利/SPC在其整个生命周期内脱离统一专利法院的管辖,由国家法院保留管辖权。单一专利则不能选择退出
选择退出的优点 统一专利法院不具有管辖权 |
选择退出的缺点 统一专利法院具有管辖权 |
专利权所有人:具有重要经济意义的专利脱离统一专利法院的管辖范围 | 专利权所有人:以相对不重要的专利检验统一专利法院 |
专利权所有人:防止单次诉讼导致欧洲专利在目前17个欧盟成员国宣告无效,即使《欧洲专利公约》申诉期结束后也一样如此 | 专利权所有人:通过单次诉讼使欧洲专利在目前17个欧盟成员国得到执行 |
专利权所有人:如果只计划在一个或两个欧盟成员国进行侵权诉讼,则诉讼费用较低。 | 专利权所有人:如果计划在三个或更多欧盟成员国进行侵权诉讼,则诉讼费用更高。 |
专利权所有人:延迟欧洲专利的无效 | 专利权所有人:加速强稳定性专利的执行 |
专利权所有人/侵权人:各国法院已有判例,司法判决可预见 | 专利权所有人:涉及价值较高,赔偿金额较大 |
Legal texts
Here you will find legal principles, legal texts and binding forms in English and (where available) in German.
Unified Patent Court
Protocol to the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court on provisional application
Unitary Patent
Here you will find the information issued by the EPO on the unitary patent.
Unified Patent Court
Here you will find essential information on the UPC as well as information on opting out.
UPC website: www.unified-patent-court.org
EPO website: Unified Patent Court